If it poses any threat to the mainstream narrative, the FDA and Big Pharma want it shut down. Years ago I attended some lectures on the subject, but I stopped going because it sounded too much like Hogwarts. The dilution factors often exceeded Avogadro's number, and it was hard to understand (or at least validate) its therapeutic efficacy. Like acupuncture, it's been around a long time, and there seems to be virtually no harm in trying these agents. The fact the FDA wants to ban them automatically makes me wonder if there is more to them than originally thought.
one oldtime remedy is a way to have your body expell gallstones...blew my desk mind because he was the one who felt them and recommended surgery...after i expelled them he checked me again and no gallstones and no surgery...expelled gallstones were big marble size down to bb size..lemme know if you want the remedy👍
blew my drs mind.....sorry bout that..i dont even own a desk 🤣
this is no joke...since 2012 i have purged gallstones four times but the elders in church do this twice a year...the night before just before going to bed drink 10 to 12 ozs of EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL then go to bed and sleep 8 hrs on your right side(if at any time during the night you wake up and are in any other position turn to your right side down) the morning as soon as you rise mix two heaping tablespoons of EPSON SALT in at least 20 ozs of warm water(you could go with 25 or 30 ozs of water just more to drink just go no less than 20 ozs) drink it down will probably have a normal bowel movement at first and then it will be like a ball valve opening and closing🤣but afterwards you will see the gallstones floating on top of the water in all different sizes and they will have a green tint due to the bile absorbed into may want to do this on a weekend or take a day from work because you will go several times throughout the day but will be more than fine the following i said you can do this twice a year but; have done it every three to four years since 2012 and havent had as many purged as i did that first time but rest assured it will get them out...i really appreciate the elders for this for i was facing expensive surgery when God allowed them to work this miracle through their wisdom...thank me by enlightening others👍
that was EPSOM SALT not epson thoroughly dissolved in at least 20 ozs of as warm of water as you can drink quickly...there will be no pain just pressure before relieving yourself👍