Those saline shots did more to help those patients than the C19 jabs. I bet Klaus Schwab is pulling his hair out. She's a modern day Oskar Schindler of Schindler's List fame. Maybe after the corrupt people in Hollywood are gone a new non-woke producer will do a movie on her?
Those saline shots did more to help those patients than the C19 jabs. I bet Klaus Schwab is pulling his hair out. She's a modern day Oskar Schindler of Schindler's List fame. Maybe after the corrupt people in Hollywood are gone a new non-woke producer will do a movie on her?
This week's Fulford report is claiming that Ol' Klaus has been arrested, during his recent trip outside the vault.
I'd like to see the sauce on that. He was just in DC a couple days ago, wasn't he?