Kjv is the arcaic language version. 1611, and yes it has a few forgeries. It is easy to get a Steven's greek text with the corresponding kjv verses and see what they did. Otherwise it's a fairly well preserved Word. The greatest thing covered up in all versions is the believers power. Speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits, faith. Miracles and gifts of healing. All believers have these abilities. They incorrectly or on purpose state theyb
are gifts. They are all evidence of THE gift and all believers can and should learn how to operate them. You want to delve into God's Word. Be prepared to do things you could not have imagined possible.
Jesus Christ himself said "the works that I do ye shall do also...and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my Father.
Kjv is the arcaic language version. 1611, and yes it has a few forgeries. It is easy to get a Steven's greek text with the corresponding kjv verses and see what they did. Otherwise it's a fairly well preserved Word. The greatest thing covered up in all versions is the believers power. Speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits, faith. Miracles and gifts of healing. All believers have these abilities. They incorrectly or on purpose state theyb are gifts. They are all evidence of THE gift and all believers can and should learn how to operate them. You want to delve into God's Word. Be prepared to do things you could not have imagined possible.
Jesus Christ himself said "the works that I do ye shall do also...and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my Father.
Try believing that.