**This is what I said to him after he finally admitted that we are watching a show, but followed up with “I will be voting for any other Repub in the primaries bc I can’t stand that man”.
“”All I can say is don’t let your disgust take away from the much larger picture.
*Notice, I never say Trump is the best president that ever lived or the best president in our lifetime. I haven’t told you “I love that man” or “he’s going to save America!”.
That’s because I was really turned off by his personality until the 2020 elections. When I became sure they were stolen and I added that into the Russia Russia Russia stuff I began to see him differently. It no longer made sense to me to dislike him for his style bc I realized that no one else was capable of dealing with what he dealt with and not fold to the pressure, NO ONE.
Not one politician had ever come out and taken a hard stance against the media and looked them straight in the eyes on live tv and say to them they should be ashamed for the lying they constantly report. DT is the ONLY reason that way of thinking exists in an open dialogue with Americans on the level it’s on today!
That man went up against NATO and told those vampires they will pay their fair share, NO ONE ELSE HAD DONE THAT. He recognized the Capitol of Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel, Republican candidates had said they would do that, but never mentioned it again once elected. He went against ALL PARTIES when he moved to secure our borders, NO ONE HAD DONE THAT. Because of what TRUMP put in motion Governor Abbot had the ballz to FINNALY begin to secure our Southern borders in a way that sets the bar for all other border states to follow, FUCKING AWESOME! **If borders are you biggest concern, and you have said they are, then you have Trump to think for almost all actions that have taken place to solve that problem. Period. FULL STOP.
I could go on for hours with Donald Trump’s accomplishments, but I don’t need to because YOU KNOW THEM! You’re problem is your FE FEEEE FEEEEELLLLIIIINGS. Well fuck feelings bc WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO SAVE!!
When I take all that I just stated and the countless other things he did to make this country great again I’m left with thinking I DONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT HIS PERSONALITY IS LIKE.
His personality is the reason he was able to push through all the extreme things that were thrown at him and his family and STILL push forward. No one, not Haley, DeSantis, Cruz, Paul or anyone else who might run has shown that they could do that PRIOR to DT taking office.
DeSantis was in Congress and what did he do?
**Nikki Haley is tough as nails and what she did while Ambassador to the UN is, at this moment, the pinnacle of her political career. But, she went there with a mandate that her boss gave her, DONALD FREAKIN TRUMP. Before that she was a known Republican governor, but it wasn’t until she went to the UN that she became a star. And who gave her the mandate that made that happen for her? TRUMP. And if Trump wasn’t a MASTER tactician “as you have stated” that mandate would have been dead on arrival! Haley has said that one of the first things she did when she got to the UN was to tell those bastards that TRUMP ISNT PLAYIN AROUND and the better pay attention and get in line! She didn’t go up there and say, you better listen to me or there’s going to be hell. NO, she said you better listen bc my boss is a little crazy and who knows what he’ll do! THAT is what a MASTER TACTICIAN tells his people to say and if you can’t see that, well,,, BLESS YOUR HEART.
Haley has spoken about this and has said none of what she did at the UN would have EVER happened if it wasn’t for Donald Trump and the ppl he had surrounding him. The most interesting part of that is that she talked highly of the ppl Trump put in places of power close to him. The msm on both sides painted the Whitehouse as a chaotic place during his presidency but that was NOT true. The proof is in all of his accomplishments.
Nowadays, Haley is bouncing around Washington talking shit about the man who REFORMED NATO. Let’s hope she’s only playing a role bc if she’s not, SHES FINNISHED!
So I’m not about to vote for someone else who’s praise comes from actions they’ve taken only because Trump paved the way. And I’m especially not voting for someone that’s already been to Congress and I can’t tell you one damn thing they were involved in that got something done. I’m sticking with the person who I KNOW will push back against the insanity NO MATTER WHAT. I’m sticking with the guy who made us ENERGY INDEPENDENT when EVERYONE, ALL SIDES, did not want it to happen. I’m sticking with the guy I know FOR SURE is going to fight like hell to secure our borders. I’m sticking with guy who has PROVEN he WILL NOT get us into any BULLSHIT wars. I’m sticking with the guy that has PROVEN he will bring back manufacturing to the US. AND, I’m sticking with the politician that SPOKE UP FIRST about the insanity of the trans movement, involving kids and TRANNY BATHROOMS!
I have chosen to be a grown up and hire the guy that has DONE or TRIED to do EVERYTHING we as Conservatives have been begging for for EONS.
SO I’LL BE DAMNED if I’m going to let my personal feeling on his personality stop me from voting for a SURE THING. And, I SURE AS HELL won’t let my FE FEEE FEEEEELLLINNGSS stop me from voting for the ONE PERSON who has PROVEN the he WILL FIGHT LIKE HELL TO SAVE AMERICA.!!!””
Well said! I did not like Trump during the 2016 campaign. I detested his language. He was uncouth, not “Presidential”. I can’t remember what made me change my mind about him or at what point I changed, but I changed. I liked what he was saying but not how he said it. He was brash and boastful, but I believed that he truly felt the U.S. had given him many opportunities and he wanted to save the U.S. He knew the U.S. was being steered in the wrong direction. I believed him when he called the news out as fake and the politicians, as having life long careers for self serving goals. I felt Christie was a liar, Cruz and Rubio fake and phony. The only other person I would have considered was Huckabee. But I felt Trump had the fortitude and truly loves America. Is he perfect? No. But I think a higher being is guiding and protecting him through all the trials and travails. If he is placed back in the forefront as President in 2023 or runs in 2024, that is because that is the plan that God has for the U.S. and the world. When you see all that DJT accomplished in 2016-2020 despite the constant battles, he never gave in or gave up, I find it truly amazing. None of us is perfect, and I hate the Left and RINOS for all their lies because DJT is upsetting their cushy life, not ours, but theirs. They are self centered, evil people who think only of their own wealth and power. So would I vote for DJT again? Yes! He is the only one who can plow through the evil and disdain that surrounds him and give us a sliver of hope. If the U.S. falls, the world is doomed to a path of annihilation via wars, depopulation, sickness, starvation, drugs, sexual abuse, and poverty. I think your friend is simply spouting what he has been brain washed to say about Trump. How anyone can view JRB as a President who has done any good for the country and the world and worthy of another vote is beyond my comprehension. Trump has a kind and compassionate heart. This is evidenced by his interactions with our troops, with his children and grandchildren and people who have leaked what he has quietly done for them. He has not always been successful, but at least he has tried.