What if the "No one can stop what it's coming" and the "it's gonna be biblical" are meant in a literal way by Q ? I mean most of us , as Christians , believe that the end times that the Bible tell us , will happen and that we are actually really close now because we see the signs that we've been hearing for decades
Many people expect Q and Trump and Putin etc etc to save the world . What if they just can't (knowingly) ?
What if we're just watching the end times movie (=script, =popcorn etc) unravel expecting for the actual biblical ending (=it's gonna be biblical) that nobody can stop (=nobody can stop what it's coming) because its meant to happen and the point of our whole mission (as Q , as Trump/Putin , as Anons etc) is just to save as much people as possible by showing them the reality of humanity's current situation ?
I don't know how to feel about all the things that we've experienced over the last years but it seems like the world is 1 step from the cliff and I can't imagine what would follow a possible 3rd World War in terms of governments making changes (NWO . CBDC etc)
I would like your opinions on this . These are just my thoughts , I could be horribly wrong .
Nothing can stop what IS coming, c'mon man.
We cannot defeat Evil until the return of Christ, and nothing can stop that.