FYI: Former Sec. of Defense Chris Miller just created a new twitter account as of Nov. and was linked to by Ezra Cohen on 12/4 with this tweet:"Replying to @IrregWarfare Step #1: Abide by Section 922. Establish statutorily required civilian control of SOCOM, , as implemented by @CMillerTIgerHwk ?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

Any guarantee that that's him? Kinda odd that the "I" in "Tiger" is capitalized.
I follow Mary Grace on Truth and she had comments that linked me to this. Here is the Truth post where Mary Grace says, "ECW linked to it in a tweet two days ago. Legit af"
And Yes. I find the capital I strange and what is Tiger Hawk? I find no direct info other than he is a Green Beret and they have Tiger strikes on uniforms/aircraft. But no info on "tiger hawk".