They'll probably defend their actions, and have the defense succeed in shielding them from lawsuits and criminal prosecutions, by claiming, "we were only acting in a way we thought was in the best interests of the public health". So unless there are emails saying things like, "We know hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been effective in treating covid, but we don't want that information to get out because it would decrease the profits of our pharmaceutical company backers, and put the whole pandemic alarm status into question", I think they will get away with such a defense.
They'll probably defend their actions, and have the defense succeed in shielding them from lawsuits and criminal prosecutions, by claiming, "we were only acting in a way we thought was in the best interests of the public health". So unless there are emails saying things like, "We know hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been effective in treating covid, but we don't want that information to get out because it would decrease the profits of our pharmaceutical company backers, and put the whole pandemic alarm status into question", I think they will get away with such a defense.