Glenn Beck once did a report on this, in his explanation (which I liked being a history major made the most sense to me). The US is the only country that has ever truly known freedom as we do. We are the only country guaranteed our rights from God/born with them. So left and right means control or anarchy essentially. The more left you go in America the most totalitarian the more right total anarchy meaning no government or not enough to sustain peace like the articles of confederation. Left and right in countries that don’t have the guaranteed rights there is always some form of government. Is that government aligned with the people or with religion or with corporate. It’s the ideology of what kind of totalitarianism there is going to be left or right but it’s all some sort of repressive government. It doesn’t mean the same thing in our country.
Glenn Beck once did a report on this, in his explanation (which I liked being a history major made the most sense to me). The US is the only country that has ever truly known freedom as we do. We are the only country guaranteed our rights from God/born with them. So left and right means control or anarchy essentially. The more left you go in America the most totalitarian the more right total anarchy meaning no government or not enough to sustain peace like the articles of confederation. Left and right in countries that don’t have the guaranteed rights there is always some form of government. Is that government aligned with the people or with religion or with corporate. It’s the ideology of what kind of totalitarianism there is going to be left or right but it’s all some sort of repressive government. It doesn’t mean the same thing in our country.