posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +27 / -0

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for the prayers in the past. I am grateful for the support and prayer coverage that you all have provided to me for each of my "battle-evil" days.

On Thursday, December 8, at around 10:00ish PST, I will be giving a speech to legislators at a public meeting where I will be calling out government corruption. Meeting: https://www.ftb.ca.gov/about-ftb/meetings/board-meetings/2022/december-2022/notice.html. Topics I will address in my speech: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=1191

Specific prayers: That I have a clear cell-phone connection That the legislators allow me to speak -- since I will be calling in, they can just pretend I haven't called. That I speak clearly and persuasively. That I am allowed to finish the speech (they have cut me off in other meetings). That the legislators take action to correct the corruption issues. That the people who hear the speech start looking into these corruption issues and also demand they be stopped. I want to get an army of people pressuring them. That no one retaliates against me (they've done some nasty retaliation already).

Thank you all! Love you guys!