So we should all be focusing on the happiness of the leftists, right? If not, it's hypocritical af. If so, we find ourselves in the situation we're in now.
Does any animal put another animal's happiness over their own babies? You will never find that in nature. You can try to guilt humans into putting other's wants before their own - and many will oblige to virtue signal - but the smart and truly centered ones will always protect and nourish their own first.
Do you believe humans are the only ones on earth that experience happiness? You're wrong. Not every move made by an animal is for pure survival.
But to make it easier for your comprehension, I'll stick to human examples. It would make the trans couple next door happy if everyone flew rainbow flags on their homes. They would feel special, accepted, and part of the community. Do you oblige them? After all, a piece of material flapping in the breeze literally cannot hurt anyone. Do you put their happiness before yours?
Humans...are not animals. We are encouraged to put others first...That way while you putting someone else first...someone is doing the same for you....IDEALLY. Pray for your enemies.... I may be casting my pearls too.
Oh, and I notice how you can't even answer my very simple question. Which proves you don't truly believe or practice what your virtue signalling mouth says. KEK
Ooooh, right. Humans are "special." How's that working out? Your ego is all puffed up because you think you're better than nature, not part of it. Pretty convenient to make simple-minded humans think they're approaching "god" by putting others first. Convenient for the ones destroying you and your families.
Stroke your ego a little more. America isn't finished burning yet.
We are special. We build and curate collaborate, memetic realities outside of nature. We impose a lazy shadow of that on actual nature and carve out bubbles where we get to ignore it. Sure beavers build damns, bugs build hives, and elephants keep graveyards, but we're the only ones that get to divorce ourselves from most things excepting birth and death.
Wearing a burlap sack and dying stoically in the wilderness or hiding in your homestead hoping to be the last little nihilistic candle in the dark is still exceptional. Even being a fucking psychopath who excels by devouring the fruits of other people's lives is special.
The gatekeepers don't call it a "beautiful lie" for nothing. You feel holier-than-thou because you're surrounded by other fakers attacking me for saying people should tend to their own happiness first, then do for others. You're allowing this country to be taken over - every single one of you - because you're so extremely egotistical.
Angry? Hell yeah. I wish more would get angry about the kids hurting and the country being invaded. Instead you all sit around patting yourselves on the back for perceived spiritual superiority. Why do you think I was asked to come to this echo chamber? You all deserve what's coming.
Most reptiles and amphibians could care less about their babies. For mammals, quokkas get pretty close.
Human nature is to act as you do and the systems we've built are most successfully navigated selfishly, unceremoniously and without sentiment. It's gross and hopelessly shortsighted, but it's also not the individual's responsibility. Tragedy of the commons problems are handled at the societal level and declining civilizations just don't do that.
So we should all be focusing on the happiness of the leftists, right? If not, it's hypocritical af. If so, we find ourselves in the situation we're in now.
Does any animal put another animal's happiness over their own babies? You will never find that in nature. You can try to guilt humans into putting other's wants before their own - and many will oblige to virtue signal - but the smart and truly centered ones will always protect and nourish their own first.
Thatβs conflating happiness and survival.
Do you believe humans are the only ones on earth that experience happiness? You're wrong. Not every move made by an animal is for pure survival.
But to make it easier for your comprehension, I'll stick to human examples. It would make the trans couple next door happy if everyone flew rainbow flags on their homes. They would feel special, accepted, and part of the community. Do you oblige them? After all, a piece of material flapping in the breeze literally cannot hurt anyone. Do you put their happiness before yours?
That scenario doesnβt work. Flying a rainbow flag to make a trans person happy will not make Muslims happy.
Ok. That was humorous.
Humans...are not animals. We are encouraged to put others first...That way while you putting someone else first...someone is doing the same for you....IDEALLY. Pray for your enemies.... I may be casting my pearls too.
Oh, and I notice how you can't even answer my very simple question. Which proves you don't truly believe or practice what your virtue signalling mouth says. KEK
Ooooh, right. Humans are "special." How's that working out? Your ego is all puffed up because you think you're better than nature, not part of it. Pretty convenient to make simple-minded humans think they're approaching "god" by putting others first. Convenient for the ones destroying you and your families.
Stroke your ego a little more. America isn't finished burning yet.
Heaven is real. Humans are special. We are the only sentient physical beings in the universe. Dive into apologetics and youβll find the truth.
Sure guy, you're very special. Some might say as unique as a little snowflake. Haha
We are special. We build and curate collaborate, memetic realities outside of nature. We impose a lazy shadow of that on actual nature and carve out bubbles where we get to ignore it. Sure beavers build damns, bugs build hives, and elephants keep graveyards, but we're the only ones that get to divorce ourselves from most things excepting birth and death.
Wearing a burlap sack and dying stoically in the wilderness or hiding in your homestead hoping to be the last little nihilistic candle in the dark is still exceptional. Even being a fucking psychopath who excels by devouring the fruits of other people's lives is special.
Get back to work little drone.
Praying for you, fren.
The anger you harbor inside is heavy. I know because I too used to be burdened by anger.
God bless you, and may your receive the peace that surpasses all understanding, in Jesus name.
The gatekeepers don't call it a "beautiful lie" for nothing. You feel holier-than-thou because you're surrounded by other fakers attacking me for saying people should tend to their own happiness first, then do for others. You're allowing this country to be taken over - every single one of you - because you're so extremely egotistical.
Angry? Hell yeah. I wish more would get angry about the kids hurting and the country being invaded. Instead you all sit around patting yourselves on the back for perceived spiritual superiority. Why do you think I was asked to come to this echo chamber? You all deserve what's coming.
Most reptiles and amphibians could care less about their babies. For mammals, quokkas get pretty close.
Human nature is to act as you do and the systems we've built are most successfully navigated selfishly, unceremoniously and without sentiment. It's gross and hopelessly shortsighted, but it's also not the individual's responsibility. Tragedy of the commons problems are handled at the societal level and declining civilizations just don't do that.
Imagine a world where the leftists cared about our happiness...
Awesome book. Reading it now (only partially completed and already extremely useful).
Thanks very much for the link...