I suspect he got the vax to play in sports. We will probably hear he died in his sleep. What parent in their right mind shares health information on social media? Okay, Rod, so it makes you angry that people in the U.S. say it is our right and freedom of choice to have bodily autonomy? I bet you support, “my body, my choice” for abortion though. So since you don’t like the freedoms in the U.S. which are rapidly dwindling, stay out of the U.S. and we will keep our money away from you. We are not anti-vax, we are smart thinkers who are health conscious.
I suspect he got the vax to play in sports. We will probably hear he died in his sleep. What parent in their right mind shares health information on social media? Okay, Rod, so it makes you angry that people in the U.S. say it is our right and freedom of choice to have bodily autonomy? I bet you support, “my body, my choice” for abortion though. So since you don’t like the freedoms in the U.S. which are rapidly dwindling, stay out of the U.S. and we will keep our money away from you. We are not anti-vax, we are smart thinkers who are health conscious.