Now, now let's not be hasty. IF Elon dismisses the f tard law firm. Then they can turn around and become feral to Twatter. As a client, of twatter they cannot attack them publicly. Are they crooked as the day is long, yes. But I think their is a play here and or a lawfare angle to be used?
Now, now let's not be hasty. IF Elon dismisses the f tard law firm. Then they can turn around and become feral to Twatter. As a client, of twatter they cannot attack them publicly. Are they crooked as the day is long, yes. But I think their is a play here and or a lawfare angle to be used?
He needs them to be on the inside of the tent pissing out, not the other way around.
Love this analogy and it's spot on. Stealing this for further use hahaha
Feel free. I believe it comes from President Lyndon Johnson.