Sometimes it's good to check in with the other side and see what they're up to. I was browsing some talk radio stations this afternoon and stumbled upon Thom Hartmann's show, which I hadn't heard in ten years or more. I didn't even know he was still on the radio. If you don't know him, he's one of the only successful talk radio hosts on the left and is basically an old intellectual hippie.
In thirty minutes of listening, he talked about our obligation to save Ukraine and how this is a valid war for the US because everything the media tells us about this war is true, unlike the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when the Bush family lied. Putin bad, Putin needs to go, blah blah blah. He moved on from that to talk about how Twitter has welcomed Nazis back to the forum and had a guest on to discuss the evils of free speech.
It's amazing how these liberals have fallen for every lie they accused neo-cons of pushing back in the early 2000s. Endless wars and censorship are what they love now, while the modern conservative wants to end war and end censorship (except in the case of child sexualization, which the left has no problem with).
God help us that these people still make up a signficant portion of the American population, and pretty much dominated schools and university systems.
LOL at 'helping' Nazis in Ukraine and then condemning the movement in the same speech. Cognitive dissonance at its finest. Does he even realize what he is saying? Nazis are certainly present in the USA - they erect statues of Bandera, and wave Ukrainian flags, for example.
Russia has always been an enemy of Nazis - they fought on our side in WW2, and arguably took the most casualties - every family has relatives that were lost. So if one is anti Nazi, one must be pro-Russia, not pro-Ukraine - just saying.
However, Hollywood has painted Nazis as right wing conspiracy nuts, and by association, right wing - i.e. red-hat wearing Trump supporters. Which is patently untrue.
It's hard for people in the US to even imagine what the USSR went through in WW2.
Belarus lost 25%+ of its population to the nazis. One in four. Entire villages/towns destroyed by Erzatstruppen. Ponder this for a minute.
By the way, it wasn't just germans. It was a collection of europeans (volunteers from other countries). And plenty, PLENTY of 'ukrainians' (banderites) were among them. They even had their own SS division (Galicia).
So yea, Russians have a thing for nazism. Just a tiny bit of a thing.
Exactly. They love shouting "NAZI" at anything they don't like when there are actual living Nazis running the show in Ukraine as we speak. I guess if we pray, we should be praying for these liberals the most. If their eyes would open, we might actually get somewhere.