suleo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which military? The LGBT one, that is assisting the nazis in ukraine and is directly responsible for the deaths of civilians?

That military?

suleo 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's not aimed at the satanic cabal or their evil minions.

Trump is the UNITY candidate. Pedo & the satanic cabal are the division candidate. Satanism IS division.

He's making that point, and good for him. The world to come is about unity, not division.

suleo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, typical bureucatic CYA mode. "It was the other agency's responsibility!".

Sounds like a fedgov agency all right. With dei & all.

suleo 12 points ago +12 / -0

And how did the shooter know that THIS PARTICULAR roof was uncovered? He didn't go to any other roof, he went to that one.

Also, if I can launch a drone to inspect my roof, so can the SS. No live drone feed (or multiple drone feeds) in the area? This is not 1963.

suleo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Most of them had to attend a DEI seminar so only one guy was left to check the roofs.

Also most of the money for security went to ukraine, to protect our democracy over there.

suleo 17 points ago +21 / -4

Multiple reports from people at the rally. Videos on phones.

This is not faked. Video recording devices everywhere make faking actual casualties from such an event much much harder.

And EVEN IF it is faked, that makes it doubly bad for the WH. They are satanic intrigue weavers AND liars. And for what? Why would they fake an attempt on Trump? He can't win without this?

Nothing to gain from faking this, besides our utter contempt for their "white hatness". So no, I don't think they are responsible for this.

suleo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well duh...

Like every other political assasination attempt, successful or unsuccessful.

suleo 11 points ago +18 / -7


If the white hats through webs of intrigue caused the death of an innocent rallygoer, just to validate their 'shot heard around the world' prophecy, they're even worse pieces of shit than the deep state.

I'm not ok with that which is why, even though I don't think the WHs have been very clean, I also don't think they'll fall that low. Because at that point, they are indistinguishable from the deep state.

suleo 1 point ago +1 / -0

They found his passport in mint condition, he was a russian named vladimir putin-zelenski. Or something.

suleo 1 point ago +1 / -0


Still didn't hit shit in the air (i.e. it didn't intercept squat) because US AA is complete crap compared to the russian AA. Russian AA was always top notch (they learned the importance of AA during WW2) but it's at another level in 2024. Meanwhile all US weaponry is circa 1990s at best.

suleo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Khazarians are not lost. The're the other side, the evil side.

suleo 1 point ago +5 / -4

Yes, the best way to get rid of the khazarian mafia that has destroyed the country & the planet is to put one of their stooges in the WH.

How about NO.

She willingly converted to the bronze age death cult and her hubby is grade AAA khazarian scum, of the full genocide type.

How about we have someone in the WH that has NO relationship to khazarians for a change? Including none in the cabinet? Wouldn't that be nice?

suleo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, he actually had a statement to that effect when he was candidate Trump in 2016. The whole section about HARMA disappeared from his platform after he became president elect in 2016. It was wiped, like, with a cloth.

suleo 2 points ago +2 / -0

SoS is one of them. He's not weak-kneed, he's a satanist.

suleo 8 points ago +8 / -0


Or better yet, anti-satanic.

Which any sane person would be.

suleo 3 points ago +3 / -0

You mean the one where europeans invade Russia every 100 years only to get curbstomped, with the loss of their capital? And then try again?


The age of piracy & looting of other people's resources, aka last 500 years of 'western' (satanic) dominance is over. The willful suicide of the euroweenies with their 'green', trans & 'migrants' obsessions only accelerates this.

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