Wife's college roommate had her husband die - Stroke about a year ago and then recently pneumonia - healthy and 50
2) Lady from church maybe early 40's passed - diagnosed with meningitis and in three days - 2 young children
3) Man I used to work with in his mid 60's massive heart attack
Just yesterday a 30 year old/)healthy man was waiting for food in a drive thru. Had a “medical episode”, let his foot off the brake, hit a building which started a fire. He was dead on the scene. Crazy happenings..
Death rates are elevated 10-15% in vaxxed countries. The USA has 55k deaths per week on average, so maybe 8k extra deaths per week or over 1,000 per day. Extra. Amongst the young and healthy as much as the old.
1,000 extra dead people per day means 20 per State, on average. Every day. It starts adding up.
I would guess it's localized. I felt like that about a month ago but then it went away. It makes me wonder if there is some 5g signals that get turned on, until there is enough deaths.
Just in the past three days:
Just yesterday a 30 year old/)healthy man was waiting for food in a drive thru. Had a “medical episode”, let his foot off the brake, hit a building which started a fire. He was dead on the scene. Crazy happenings..
It's picking up, that's for sure
Death rates are elevated 10-15% in vaxxed countries. The USA has 55k deaths per week on average, so maybe 8k extra deaths per week or over 1,000 per day. Extra. Amongst the young and healthy as much as the old.
1,000 extra dead people per day means 20 per State, on average. Every day. It starts adding up.
I would guess it's localized. I felt like that about a month ago but then it went away. It makes me wonder if there is some 5g signals that get turned on, until there is enough deaths.
I personally know three people who have died in the last week.
One due to kidney issues. Fine Sunday, dead Tuesday. Another definitely vaxxed. 53 year old female.