This blogger totally ignores the outstanding actions,, as opposed to political "we're going to do some stuff" words, being done by Louisiana and Missouris AGs including their just dropped 400 page deposition of Fauci under oath?
What's up with "Conservative" media and "influencers" hyping Ron and creating the factually false impression that he's lead on anything except, perhaps, resurrecting the pre Trump, base pandering, Establishment Republican politician?
Found this info on:
Jeff Childers does a great job on this blog. Worth a visit most days.
This blogger totally ignores the outstanding actions,, as opposed to political "we're going to do some stuff" words, being done by Louisiana and Missouris AGs including their just dropped 400 page deposition of Fauci under oath?
What's up with "Conservative" media and "influencers" hyping Ron and creating the factually false impression that he's lead on anything except, perhaps, resurrecting the pre Trump, base pandering, Establishment Republican politician?
He had already talked about Fauci's deposition last week: