No matter what, I am hoping that given the worldwide attention baby Will has attracted, that the health service will secretly give Will pureblood blood - just to minimise the risk of spike protein damage - so that they can gloat "See we were right, it was safe, the parents were nutters".
At the end of the day, better outcomes for children is all that matters.
That's my hopeful side talking, but imagine the pressure on the Drs ("We'd better not fuck this one up or the whole world will be on our backs").
No matter what, I am hoping that given the worldwide attention baby Will has attracted, that the health service will secretly give Will pureblood blood - just to minimise the risk of spike protein damage - so that they can gloat "See we were right, it was safe, the parents were nutters".
At the end of the day, better outcomes for children is all that matters.
That's my hopeful side talking, but imagine the pressure on the Drs ("We'd better not fuck this one up or the whole world will be on our backs").
But children have to die to wake up the Normal People!