SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

The dirty, lying bitch had her appointment confirmed by the pigs slavering at the trough in the European Parliament anyway. Europe has fallen. I pity those who are going to have suffer until they are liberated (again) by the USA.

SadNZer2 3 points ago +3 / -0

That visit by Dr Jill was no coincidence. It provides plausible deniability for the USSS. This was a state-sponsored hit

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

The FBI are going to do a thorough investigation and put all the evidence under the carpet alongside all of the info on Epstein's clients.

SadNZer2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, I thought to myself. If I was a fucked in the head CIA dweeb planning how to set up the narrative against MAGA, what would I do: a) close call for the Don b) stir up backlash noises in the corrupt MSM c) get a hit on Biden (two birds with one stone) kick off mass gun grab and install Big Mike as the "caring", peace-loving, DNC replacement candidate.

SadNZer2 3 points ago +3 / -0

The rest of the world has no idea how far left NZ is.

This post is from the rulling National Party's pollster. A person widely regarded as "Far Right" in NZ. His level of TDS is at the George Conway level.

This is the person who advises the PM on the mood of the nation. We are so fucked.

I am ashamed of my countryman for this stupid comment.

SadNZer2 3 points ago +3 / -0

The public should ALWAYS be able to hear what politicians are saying and any social media platform interfering with that should be broken up and sold to Elon Musk.

SadNZer2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know why she is so highly regarded, she seemed like a standard corrupt MSM journo "Well it was an opportunity to get more data points".... in response to Tucker's observation about Biden's OBVIOUS senility.

What fucking data points do you need after that debate?

I couldn't stand more than a few minutes of her equivocation - she is part of a failed profession and they all need to go to the gas chamber for re-education.

SadNZer2 1 point ago +1 / -0

What a pathetic sub-human shit-stain. Everybody in the world has to alter their existence to fit in with her mental illness.

She is one of the 4-6% lost forever.

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't, I find the delivery tedious, I'm sure it's useful info but life is too short imo for wasting time on his patronising approach. I'm so glad he meets a need in the info market but too many adverts, too much repetition, too much Dave really for my taste. Then again some people love fat chicks, so variety is the spice of life.

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this even constitutional? I thought that forcing Pedo Joe out would just elevate psycotic moron Kamalamadingdong to the Oval Office and allow her to bring in Frazzledrip Hillary as VP.

I mean, I agree, it's what needs to happen, but is there a pathway to do this? I mean why not call an early election after Nixon stood down - similar problem then.

SadNZer2 22 points ago +22 / -0

Should have tagged this as a shitpost really, I mean it was clearly dubbed at the end.

But true nevertheless and v funny

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

There must be more to this debate. Given the network, the moderators, the cut-out microphones, the 1-2 minute delay, the commercial break, no audience - it is not really possible for it to be more obvious that this is a Deep State hit-job.

Why would the Trump campaign agree to such ludicrous conditions?

On the face of it, there is nothing good going to come out of this for Trump, when the whole thing is clearly going to be a Hollywood movie production 10x worse than the dreadful Chris Wallace fiasco last time.

Trump does not self-sabotage, so what is the real story here. Especially, given he press core are now baying to be on site because they want to report the expected 'medical event' for one of the candidates?

None of it makes sense from a Trump angle.

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy is Michael Laws. Ex MP. Ex Mayor. Now independent media internet journalist. He goes full Billy Connolly about Ardern's legacy of hate and division and really explains why she is so reviled by so many in NZ now.

He takes a while to warm up by telling all about the dumb bitch's latest announcement, but he really gets going at 3:11 if you want to enjoy the real rant.

SadNZer2 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is more to this than we are currently in the know about:

  1. We know anyone who succeeds in Hollywood is depraved beyond the imagination of healthy normal folks
  2. We know these monsters are protected so long as they toe the line

So what did Spacey do that crossed the line for the cabal such that they removed that protection from him? How did he betray them?

It certainly wasn't because he violently abused adolescent queer boys, I mean that's just a normal Tuesday for the average Hollywood celebrity.

Is the Piers Morgan performance some kind of ritual humiliation or a mea culpa so he can be allowed back into acting again?

Or simply, just another throwaway distraction to draw attention away from the dumpster fire that is DC politics now.

SadNZer2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Except that it wasn't a win for the "far right". That's what the communist left cabal tries to convince us we should say about the majority of us who just want to be left the fuck alone. The people who voted this way, are ordinary, decent human beings who have just had enough of the abuse from the globalists.

I would go as far to say that it was a massive swing to the middle of the road, away from the extremist ,humanity-loathing cabal.

SadNZer2 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think there is more to this than meets the eye. There hasn't been a lot of love for tiny, teeny weeny gay Macron for a long time - but somehow, miraculously, there was always something (like the torn Le Pen only ballots getting rejected during one of the elections) that always meant the machines gave him the victory.

But this time, there is a Trump 2016 feel about these results, something about the way things didn't go the treasonous globalist's way really, really spooked them. I mean it was only the frigging EU elections, everyone knows that it doesn't mean anything (I should know I worked for the European Parliament a long, long time ago). So why all the emotion, why the snap elections being called?

It just doesn't stack up.

Are they bolting? Are they trying to steal one final election before the white hats gain total control over the corrupt vote-counting machines?

Something has the pedophile globalists quite scared. I don't know what it is, but the reaction is extreme. And it has given me more hope for November than I've had up to this point.

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do, but all I get as an answer is CNN talking points and when I demonstrate the lies are lies, nothing changes. It's exactly what Yuri Bezmenov described in the 80s "you can shower the useful idiots with proof, but nothing opens their eyes". I've given up on triggering an awakening - my only hope now is to focus my energy on convincing them to refuse the shots in the bird flu fakedemic.

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think I prefer a slow, gradual, incremental slide upwards in price. Whenever it's a big one, well then the crooks feel they have to do something big to crash the right away to stop plebs buying up.

SadNZer2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have one that is cemented so deep in their delusion, I fear it's going to take them being maimed by a migrant or crippled by a vaccine to make them question anything. Nothing I say or show them works - they are lost.

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