SadNZer2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Isn't she "every single time" adjacent?

Can't have the people that did it, in control of releasing the truth about who did it.

SadNZer2 5 points ago +5 / -0

No one is above the law. I want dawn arrest, full SWAT gear, perp walk and a 30 agent search team going through everything including her under wear drawers like she cheered about for the MAL raid.

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dems gotta learn that their continual abuse of power cuts both ways. What's good for the goose....

SadNZer2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Our side had the best women. That dress is simultaneously smart/professional and smoking hot.

SadNZer2 3 points ago +3 / -0

For many people, nothing can penetrate the programming. I have been working on someone for five years now and no matter what I try, their devotion to the lies stays unshakeable.

SadNZer2 5 points ago +5 / -0

How does she have a job? Her hubby was one of the 51 tractors who lied about the laptop. She is on a fake news network that pushed that lie.

Her husband must face treason questions, she has to be conflicted and its unimaginable that she isn't complicit in the treason.

SadNZer2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Our great frens here on GAW have no idea how insane it is outside of the USA. I spend an hour a day on GAW enjoying all the "winning", I think to myself "the world is changing in a once in a millenium fashion, nothing can stop what is happening".

And then this, this is what most of my sheepish fellow countrymen will believe is happening.

Forget about taking over the Gaza strip or saving Canada, or Greenland. How about NZ becoming the 51st state?

We speak the same language, we have a massive resource rich continental shelf half the size of Australia brimming full of oil, gas and mineral wealth.

SadNZer2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Please cut every dirty cent out that was sent to NZ, I have told lots of people that everything started to get ugly after 2016, no wonder when you think 50 billion a year has been spent poisoning minds.

Sadness, I think luxon has been told to destroy National's electability, in the same way that little Rishi did for the tories in the UK. What little Rishi did was to sweep in that psychopath Starmer, with enough of a majority to burn the UK to the ground to prevent Reform doing what GEOTUS is doing now in the USA.

The big question is who is it that is making the cabal afraid in New Zealand. Whilst I like small bits of what NZ first and ACT are doing, it is hardly revolutionary in the way that GEOTUS is or reform promises to be.

Anyway, I really deeply fear that luxon's job is to lose the next election badly to give the loons on the left the majority to destroy us in New Zealand.

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do a full SWAT raid on the home of every single agent who raided Mar a lago, then plaster the photos of what is found all over the media.

SadNZer2 4 points ago +4 / -0

All this could have been dodged if the left hadn't messed with Elon's kid.

All they had to do was leave Elon alone and his terrifying abilities would have never come out of the cage (politically speaking).

Biggest self-own ever!

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want someone with a syringe full of Covid vax, sitting behind Murkowski, with the needle in her back making sure she votes right.

I cannot wait for RFK to be on office, we will feel the effects all the way over here in NZ.

SadNZer2 8 points ago +8 / -0


They carried out treason! They absolutely should fear for their pensions, careers, freedom.

That is exactly how it should be. What PDJT is bringing about is radical normality!

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

To the OP, thank you thank you. Its been a long, long time since I've read a Substack and said to myself "Holy moly, I gotta add that one to my daily reading list!", and it so resonates with what we're seeing now

The unbelievable pace of things is just staggering, as is the ability to penetrate the dense smog of bureaucratic obfuscation.

I've been saying to all the people that refuse to listen to me about everything that "It's going to be epic when Trump takes office".

What a tepid understatement!

Anyway thank you again.

SadNZer2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got it. Despite the fact that I have flown "around" the world multiple times. And given your lacks of tolerance for ambiguity, I suspect I have studied far more than you and am certainly better educated.

I am now going to follow Mark Twain's advice about attempting to engage with people of your ilk.

God be with you and keep on doing any good things that you do by frequenting this wonderful forum.

SadNZer2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is that it? That's the conclusive proof? You flew in passenger planes, therefore the Earth is a ball?

Hardly quod erat demonstrandum.

You have to show your workings, rather than relying upon Grand Canyon size leaps of faith.

I am not so foolish or so blind as to suggest I know whether the OP makes sense or not. All I'm interested is in hearing more. I know I've seen evidence that calls into question the veracity of the ball earth idea, and I haven't seen proof from any trustworthy sourced that proves the theory. That just means I'm keeping an open mind and I want more data.

In the same way that I know that the louder people try to shout me down about my inquisitiveness about the veracity of climate change, the less I'm inclined to listen to the dogma. The ball earth theory has so many of the same people shouting in the same way, that the louder and more emotionally they shout, the more I suspect them of lying.

My approach after the past 10 years of vast lies is to keep an open mind about everything but especially the things you were told not to question.

SadNZer2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good point.

Ok, I'm going to rethink whether I should be consigning Hedges to the same bin as CNN and all the legacy media.

And because it's you, GAW's best dog of all. I will give that interview a go.

SadNZer2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok you did not read my post, or you did not comprehend, or you are just gate-keeping.

Whatever, I really want to know more now about what the OP said. You have convinced me they might be on to something

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