Seems like they have rereleased him as the peterson2.0 version, which now comes with a special remote control for they to use when he starts to notice things
When i heard him tell the story straight from his own mouth. My jaw hit the floor.
His psychological significance of the bible series was probably the most moving video series i have ever watched. It pains me dearly to have watched him change so much.
They drugged the shit out of him and he has never been the same.
Seems like they have rereleased him as the peterson2.0 version, which now comes with a special remote control for they to use when he starts to notice things
Maybe his 'trip to Russian benzo rehab' was really more of an MK Ultra camp?
When i heard him tell the story straight from his own mouth. My jaw hit the floor.
His psychological significance of the bible series was probably the most moving video series i have ever watched. It pains me dearly to have watched him change so much.
ive noticed ever since his illness hes become a massive defender of jews