Your personal experience was a pleasant one then. When I helped my brother kick heroine...he was violently ill. Another guy I know whom was a heavy drinker quit cold turkey, and it nearly killed him. He had seizures because of the physical dependencies on it.
The dopeamine receptor doesnt distinguish which compound stimulators it.....that's why people get addicted to jerking off and porn. It's ALL about that little receptor in our brains. Thats EVERYTHING to do with addiction. Doesnt matter the stimulus.
I've been through withdrawal and it feels nothing like covid.
Your personal experience was a pleasant one then. When I helped my brother kick heroine...he was violently ill. Another guy I know whom was a heavy drinker quit cold turkey, and it nearly killed him. He had seizures because of the physical dependencies on it.
Talkin bout stoppin weed
The dopeamine receptor doesnt distinguish which compound stimulators it.....that's why people get addicted to jerking off and porn. It's ALL about that little receptor in our brains. Thats EVERYTHING to do with addiction. Doesnt matter the stimulus.
Um... Did you seriously compare weed to heroin?
Not even close to the same...
No none whatso ever. Withdraawls for weed are much more though than previously thought. Not close to heroine though.