The foundation and building of large corporate fortunes is not normally a quick process. There are always exceptions of course, but generally things take time. The conventional wisdom, which has proven true time and again, is that “it takes the first generation to make it, and the second generation to make it really big.”
The process has been the same in all cases, and it certainly applies today to the current “Richest Man in the World”, Elon Musk.
All you have to do is think. Using Elon Musk as an example, the man appeared to come from literally nowhere and yet suddenly “owns” the world’s largest auto manufacturer. Musk at the same time began an aggressive program of launching tens of thousands of communications satellites, and then SpaceX, “Elon Musk’s private spaceflight company”, the maker of the Starship, planning International Space Station missions, no less. Then we have Musk buying Twitter for $44 billion.
In the last 100 years, anyone attempting to create a new auto company and brand has met with disaster, but Musk apparently experienced not a hiccup with the Tesla that is suddenly a world favorite. This would have required perhaps ten years of planning and design, the planning of factories and production, the creation of supply lines, the testing and certification, and so much more, but with Tesla this apparently all occurred overnight in a vacuum. Are we to believe Elon Musk designed the Tesla? There is no evidence Musk has the ability to design even a dipstick, much less an entire car, so how did all this occur and what was the source of the background billions required to bring this project to fruition? Musk played no part in the creation of the Tesla. He just somehow showed up at the end, “owning” the company.
Similarly, the aggressive program of communication satellites that “Elon Musk” has launched; this as well would require many years of planning and design, to say nothing of arranging the launch facilities and obtaining the necessary thousands of paying customers. This again would require years and billions of dollars in financing but, like Bezos’ space flight program, this one suddenly appeared in full bloom, operating, launched, and ready to go. Who did the planning for this? It certainly wasn’t Musk, so who was behind it? And the money for all this came from where? “Musk’s” Tesla has never made a profit, so where would he obtain the billions for a pie-in-the-sky system of tens of thousands of communications satellites? Nothing like this can happen without a decade or more of intensive planning and an enormous investment, and obviously none of that came from Musk.
It is a quote from the linked article that goes into much more detail.
Not sure what you mean? detract?
It means that once you say ---or write--- something that is clearly and objectively wrong, people tend to tune out and ignore the rest.
I agree that Elon was set up by the gov't, but if the first example is flat-out BS, it's simply not the best argument to use to convince other people. That's all.
Original article could have included "Electric" in the statement,
e.g. "the world’s largest electric auto manufacturer."
But, that is implied and it really not the point of the article or this post.
Largest electric vehicle companies by Market Cap
Tesla TSLA $565.79 B
Tesla is the largest Electric Vehicle seller, with over 900 thousand sold in 2021.
The Tesla Model 3 is the top-selling electric vehicle.
Toyota comes in as the second largest EV company, with nearly 600 thousand units sold in 2021.
What a horrible thought:
1500 thousand [1,500,000] vehicles sold in 2021, by tesla and toyo, full of toxic batteries will convert to more than 11,500,000 lbs of battery waste in our land fills in 2028.