The math is impossible. I am to believe they killed 6 million in roughly 2 years. 8,912 people per day, every day, for 2 years. It's complete bullshit.
But those "gas chambers" could surely squeeze a good hundred at a time (I saw Schindlers List, historical fact and made by a famous joo) and they could remove all the bodies, bury, reload, gas, lather rise repeat 24/7.
And surely there's bones/tatoos and other decaying evidence abounding sooo...
How would one dispose of all the bodies in a timely fashion?
For an average size adult, cremation takes from two to three hours at normal operating temperature between 1,500 degrees F to 2,000 degrees F
Sticking with mathematically impossible.
The fat on the bodies burn without need for further fuel and you don't need to cremate in batches, but keep cramming fresh bodies as the others burn down.
So apparently all the alleged forced labor and abuse created millions of butterball jews who are so combustible that you can't even smother a fire with them.
The math is impossible. I am to believe they killed 6 million in roughly 2 years. 8,912 people per day, every day, for 2 years. It's complete bullshit.
But those "gas chambers" could surely squeeze a good hundred at a time (I saw Schindlers List, historical fact and made by a famous joo) and they could remove all the bodies, bury, reload, gas, lather rise repeat 24/7.
And surely there's bones/tatoos and other decaying evidence abounding sooo...
How would one dispose of all the bodies in a timely fashion? For an average size adult, cremation takes from two to three hours at normal operating temperature between 1,500 degrees F to 2,000 degrees F Sticking with mathematically impossible.
I once asked a "holocaust educator" about this.
So apparently all the alleged forced labor and abuse created millions of butterball jews who are so combustible that you can't even smother a fire with them.