With all the Twitter files continuing to drip-drip-drip the evident corruption to the public, what do you think the final straw will be for the public to finally wake up?
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
There's a shit load of denial and damage control going on right now by the left, including some people claiming that it's a nothingburger because federal agencies have only been highlighted very few times in the document dump. It's clear that this story isn't getting the exposure it should, even though it's a huge reveal. What do you think it will take for "normies" to finally swallow their pride and admit they were wrong? I'm pretty "doom-y" black pilled these days.... I don't really believe much will come of this, but I'm also hoping my assumptions get blown out of the water.
His hair must be flowing stronger than Samson
His nails must be stronger than steel