"The keystone has double meanings, first it means two different groups part of the same: Trilateral Commission (Holds power and influence over Govts worldwide), is also over the CFR here in America, its sister organization. People in our Govt are members of this organization and they admit to setting policy as directed by the parent organization (covered in another post and proves these people have evil intentions: https://gab.com/FlightOfIcarus/posts/109125715897329293). This is all handled via the State Dept to influence policy of the United States. The 2nd meaning of Keystone is the SES (Senior Executive Services). These are the “holdovers” or career federal “managerial”officials that are below the presidents cabinet that implement policy to civil employees. This SES was created in 1978 from the CSRA https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/IF11743.pdf"
"The keystone has double meanings, first it means two different groups part of the same: Trilateral Commission (Holds power and influence over Govts worldwide), is also over the CFR here in America, its sister organization. People in our Govt are members of this organization and they admit to setting policy as directed by the parent organization (covered in another post and proves these people have evil intentions: https://gab.com/FlightOfIcarus/posts/109125715897329293). This is all handled via the State Dept to influence policy of the United States. The 2nd meaning of Keystone is the SES (Senior Executive Services). These are the “holdovers” or career federal “managerial”officials that are below the presidents cabinet that implement policy to civil employees. This SES was created in 1978 from the CSRA https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/IF11743.pdf"