This sculpture immediately brings to mind your past comments about trees in Kabbalah. The sculptor, James Muir, appears to have been born in a Great Lakes state (Indiana).
The Chapel of the Holy Cross was inspired and commissioned by local rancher and sculptor Marguerite Brunswig Staude, who had been inspired in 1932 by the newly constructed Empire State Building to build such a church. After a [failed] attempt to do so in Budapest, Hungary – with the help of Lloyd Wright, son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright... she decided to build the church in her native region.
The chapel's design is by architect August K. Strotz, and the project architect was Richard Hein,[3] both of the Anshen & Allen firm.
Anshen and Allen was... ranked eighth for sustainable practices
In 2009 the firm was identified as specializing in sustainable designs for the healthcare and academic markets.
It appears that there has been a connection between this Chapel and the "Sustainability" movement from the time it was constructed in the 50's continuing to today.
Finally, there may be a familial connection between Racine and the chapels construction supervisor, but I can't confirm this..
The construction supervisor [of the Chapel of the Holy Cross] was Fred Coukos of the William Simpson Construction Company
I can't confirm it, but it's possible that there may be a connection between Fred Coukos (of Massachusetts) and Racine through the Schladenhauffen, Haddad and/or Fleury family names.
While searching these various names on Google I came across an academic paper from the University of Arizona called "Shared Borders, Shared Water: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges" that frequently cited Haddad et al.
This doesn't prove anything but there are enough coincidences that I thought this was worth mentioning.
An additional strange coincidence is that searching the name of chapels architect Richard Hein will bring up a different man named Richard Hein who just happens to study water science at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay (whose emblem just so happens to be a Phoenix that looks very similar to the emblem for the city of Phoenix... truly strange when viewed in the context of this discussion)
This sculpture immediately brings to mind your past comments about trees in Kabbalah. The sculptor, James Muir, appears to have been born in a Great Lakes state (Indiana).
The model for this sculpture who posed as Jesus Christ was Thomas McPherson who is connected to the Rotary Club of Sedona (the founder of Rotary Club is from Racine). McPherson founded Fenix Private Capital Group which appears to invest in "sustainable" real estate in Arizona.
It appears that there has been a connection between this Chapel and the "Sustainability" movement from the time it was constructed in the 50's continuing to today.
Finally, there may be a familial connection between Racine and the chapels construction supervisor, but I can't confirm this..
I can't confirm it, but it's possible that there may be a connection between Fred Coukos (of Massachusetts) and Racine through the Schladenhauffen, Haddad and/or Fleury family names.
According to a Frederick Coukos of Massachusetts is listed in the Schladenhauffen/Henderson Family Tree. Jessie Mae Schladenhauffen had a daughter named Darlene Mae Haddad.
There is also a Darlene Ann Haddad (married name Dahl), who lived in Racine. By itself this doesn't mean anything but there are also people named Fleury in the Schladenhauffen/Henderson family tree and there is also a Jason Edward Fleury from Racine, Wisconsin.
While searching these various names on Google I came across an academic paper from the University of Arizona called "Shared Borders, Shared Water: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges" that frequently cited Haddad et al.
This doesn't prove anything but there are enough coincidences that I thought this was worth mentioning.
An additional strange coincidence is that searching the name of chapels architect Richard Hein will bring up a different man named Richard Hein who just happens to study water science at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay (whose emblem just so happens to be a Phoenix that looks very similar to the emblem for the city of Phoenix... truly strange when viewed in the context of this discussion)