Interesting thought, 00101101. I think there's a good chance you're right.
Also: it won't just be Twitter or even other social media companies this will impact; Twitter material being released is already implicating individuals involved in government agencies, other social media companies, the MSM broadcast and cable companies, and more. Before this is all over, evidence dug out and presented from Twitter will have provided more than enough evidence to take the whole, vile, gaslighting propaganda network down and to put away a host of bad guys. That's my take, anyway.
Interesting thought, 00101101. I think there's a good chance you're right.
Also: it won't just be Twitter or even other social media companies this will impact; Twitter material being released is already implicating individuals involved in government agencies, other social media companies, the MSM broadcast and cable companies, and more. Before this is all over, evidence dug out and presented from Twitter will have provided more than enough evidence to take the whole, vile, gaslighting propaganda network down and to put away a host of bad guys. That's my take, anyway.