November 30, 2022
The SCOTUS set the conference date for Jan 6, 2023
(The 9 Justices will meet January 6, 2023 to discuss the case and decide (by vote) if they want to move it to a hearing, where they will oficially judge the case and decide (by vote) if defendants should be removed from office)
If they don’t vote to hear it, they too are totally compromised and must be removed like all the letter agencies: FBI, DOJ, DOS, DOE, HHS, parts of FEMA (due to FEMA camps built and ready to go), IRS, FDA,CDC, NIH, etc. Stream line the government, clean it out. Congress needs to be swept out-“98% are corrupt.”
November 30, 2022 The SCOTUS set the conference date for Jan 6, 2023 (The 9 Justices will meet January 6, 2023 to discuss the case and decide (by vote) if they want to move it to a hearing, where they will oficially judge the case and decide (by vote) if defendants should be removed from office)
If they don’t vote to hear it, they too are totally compromised and must be removed like all the letter agencies: FBI, DOJ, DOS, DOE, HHS, parts of FEMA (due to FEMA camps built and ready to go), IRS, FDA,CDC, NIH, etc. Stream line the government, clean it out. Congress needs to be swept out-“98% are corrupt.”