Need help. I am currently red pilling my three brothers with Twitter and FTX. They don't believe that there is a connection with FTX and Ukraine. Any FTX research you can share would helpful.
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If you’ve covered all the aspects of the story that’s been given in the comments you might want to consider changing your delivery.?.
Also, as much as we want to believe that reaching family should be the easiest, I’ve found that it is actually the hardest. I think that’s due to having years of built up previous experiences with family. Those experiences causes family members to be precondition to you, where as, a not so close friend or random normie doesn’t know you so they don’t have much preconditioning to how they might respond to you in general.
This doesn’t mean give up! Not that you would ever do that..
It just means you really need to evaluate this family member and think about how they talk and learn and begin to approach them from that standpoint. It’s also always good to start off with something that you know they will agree with, so that you start off the convo with a positive that’s agreeable for them. This sets the tone of the conversation. Once you have established that, talk about how messed up/fucked up it is that xyz is happening. I don’t mean it’s fucked up in a way that points the blame on anyone in particular, just that the situation itself is messed up and you can’t believe that we live in a world where we have to discuss something like this. For whatever reason this approach lowers the guard of the other person and might get you another agreeable positive that you can follow up with some details on.
If you really want to get good at this I recommend reading a well known book on sales. Some of the same approaches that are used to close a deal are the same ones you will need to get these family members on your side.
If none of this works,, then they’re lost or will be lost till the truth bitch slaps them into reality. Unfortunately, there are going to be some that are like this and I’m betting these folks will be added to “suicide weekend” list. I hope not, but it seems highly likely. ):