I thought everyone hated me for this. Until yesterday I met a sweet old lady at the flea mkt with her quiet husband, selling plants. I mentioned a couple things to start a conversation and it just took off. She said to me "Well did you hear about Monk?"
(me)"Monk?....you mean Musk?" "Yes! He's exposing it all!" Her husband just nodded pleasantly. She's like, 75! And still has the presence of mind to understand...and CARE! I was so happy.
I thought everyone hated me for this. Until yesterday I met a sweet old lady at the flea mkt with her quiet husband, selling plants. I mentioned a couple things to start a conversation and it just took off. She said to me "Well did you hear about Monk?" (me)"Monk?....you mean Musk?" "Yes! He's exposing it all!" Her husband just nodded pleasantly. She's like, 75! And still has the presence of mind to understand...and CARE! I was so happy.
i'm old like her, as r many of my frens. WE KNOW!!!! we dig n share on many diff platforms. luv my boomer frens