Israeli-Based 3D-Printed Lab-Grown Meat Company is Building World's Largest Facility in North Carolina
An Israeli company that specializes in 3D-printed lab-grown meat with non-GMO animal cells is currently building the world’s largest commercial-scale production facility in North Carolina. Believer Meat, formerly known as Future Meat Technologies, is build...
The animal cells may be non-GMO, but where are they sourced, hmmm? Are they 'replicated' in the lab? Sort of like fetal cells?
Maybe it is a way to restamp offal and offcuts from the abatoir, yum. NOT.
I like my meat from animals that graze and run around thanks. they have good lives, the farmers make sure they do BTW, and they enjoy the air.
Also, what is stop these bastards from slipping in human meat?