I'm working on a big-ass post about this COIN operation, and misnomers concerning some of the Q myths and misquotes. "Military is the only way", for instance, was never written by Q.
Instead, Q wrote "The only way is the military."
This is definitely a "beam me up, Scotty" kinda thing.
Instead, compare and contrast what Q actually has since said is "the only way" more than 13 times. The military was only mentioned twice in reference to "the only way", and the second time was in support of "Transparency and Accountability."
"TRANSPARENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY is the only way" should be far more common. Why isn't it?
Why does this matter?
Review Elon's Q&A the other day. When and why does he say the phrase "Transparency and Accountability" about the EU's Digital Services Act @ 2:22:46.
I waited until now to see if anyone else caught it. That this crucial call-back was missed is genuinely disappointed.
Listen closely to what he says.
Like how his "Psychological Neural Net" told him to buy Twitter @ 2:27:20
I haven't seen a single post talking about that little nugget. To me it sounds like this "Neural Net told me to do it" is just his coded language for "White Hats told me to do it."
Whatever is going on with Twitter and Elon, it revolves around "Transparency and Accountability" and not an overt call for military intervention. It may work in Brazil, but we're ground zero for an attempted Civil War. The enemy is too entrenched for us to go kinetic. The ANTIFA and BLM anarchists need to get the wind knocked out of their sails first. They need to be as demoralized as normies are in taking up arms and defend their ideals to the death. Twitter appears to be the access point to demoralize the pompous and segregationist liberal hivemind of blue checkmarks.
That he was allowed to buy Twitter at all should be a clear indication that the DeepState is losing control of their propaganda and suppression apparatus.
Anyways... About the water...
For my big-ass write up, I'm going to go into depth on how this is a COIN operation. It will be dry and procedural, so bring your own lube. Much of the rhetoric and catch-phrases like above are a means to an end, but are the weakest part of the Q operation because they can easily be exploited by the insurgent propagandists to discredit us.
They say "trust the plan" in mockery and it works because so few still don't even know what the plan is.
Q told us the plan in Post 4700. Q follows a standard COIN operation cycle.
My write up will focus on how we are an organically grown counter-culture to the insurgent's artificially grown degenerate culture who were seeded to subvert our nation's functional infrastructure and identity at a fundamental and moral level.
The insurgent's goal is to destroy our historical identity so we are more willing to accept their subversive one. Q, as an operation, was tasked to create a counter-insurgent patriotic base whose aim is to preserve our national history and identity. Q chose the Chans, Anons and shitposters because Q knew the power of memes.
This should be common knowledge among Anons at this juncture.
Focus on the mission. Focus on the plan, like Q told us:
We are working as the Information Branch of the COIN intel operation. Our role is the following:
The information function comprises intelligence (required to gain understanding), and influence (to promote the affected government’s cause). It is essential that the influence campaign is in tune with the strategic narrative, resonates with the relevant audiences, is based on genuine resolve by the affected government and that physical actions match. What makes COIN different from other stabilization and humanitarian tasks is that both elements of the information function will be conducted in stark competition with the insurgents’ own information functions.
Anons' role is particularly to fulfill the following strategy demand:
the imperative to counter insurgent messages demands a reactive element to our influence activities. Speed is of the essence. The longer it takes for a rebuttal, denial or counter-message to be released, the less relevant and effective it will be. Cumulatively, whichever protagonist (insurgent or counterinsurgent) is fastest at processing the cycle of messaging will have a significant advantage in gaining influence.
Our goal is to dispel the captured MSM insurgent's "narrative" as quickly as possible. Twitter's flip, again, gives us operational superiority to this end; a fang to bite with.
Pay close attention to Page 17.
WHAT IS WATER?! Think Symbolism?
Use idioms to find the common trend:
Learn our comms.
Oh my, the pomposity!
"Military is the only way"
Instead, Q wrote "The only way is the military.
It's called paraphrasing.
This type of shit is amongst the most annoying posts on these boards, and you devalue all the great info you include within by consistently pushing the holier than thou attitude.
You didn't read.
I don't care about the meaning. I care about the frequency.
It's not the order of the words I'm peeved about. It's that Q only said it twice, versus the OTHER "ONLY WAY" being written 13+ times.
TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. It's used far more often than military.
How many "the only ways" can there be?
Go ahead, count them up.
You call it pomposity, but you're completely missing the point because you have a hate boner for "that type" of people. That divisive behavior is exactly what Q warned us about. I'm making a genuine point, but you're too blinded with an unfounded, dogmatic hatred -- completely dismissing where the dogmatic rhetoric comes from.
That's the discrepancy I'm attempting to address. I didn't pick any fights, and I'm not assuming a "holier than thou" attitude. I'm pointing out that a large majority of Anons are parroting a misquote from Q, when the statistical "only way" is not military, but "transparency and accountability."
Just like how "Watch the water" was specifically targeting North Korean murals and the Symbol Comms they use. People still think we need to watch out for water related articles and names, and are summarily getting lost in the weeds.
The fervent hatred I get whenever I point out the lack of frequency with the "Military is the only way" quote seems more of a programmed feature in people's brains short-circuiting than an honest misconception by Anons. It incites such fiery retort, such as yours, that it really feels like dogmatic brainwashing planted among our ranks from shills to put untoward faith in the military option.
Have you even questioned how that might play into a the DeepState's plan -- to get us demanding military intervention?
Seriously, consider my point. Why isn't the "transparency and accountability is the only way" phrase the more common one? It's used infinitely more by Q, considering "the only way is the military" has been misquoted.
"The Military is the only way" may very well be a "Qanon" MSM counter-narrative push to discredit us and pin our collective hopes on military intervention, in keeping with post https://qalerts.app/?n=4881
Meanwhile you're doing the exact same thing you accuse me of. I'm pointing out an obviously glaring issue with the rhetoric, and questioning why Anons are so obsessed with the statement despite it being a footnote in the earliest of Q's posts, and you throw it back in my face.
I'm just doing what Q has asked us to do -- being scrupulous with the details.