I. CAN'T. FUCKING. WAIT. for Brennan to go down. Execution by shooting, hanging, drawn-and-quartered, I do NOT fucking care....but this fucking FLAMING asshole needs to be made an example to the ENTIRE world, and his death needs to be recorded and played (and replayed) for many, MANY years to come as an example of how NOT to act as one of the country's trusted bureaucrats. Seriously, one of the most odious, useless meatsacks of a "human being" to inhabit a government position...ever.
I. CAN'T. FUCKING. WAIT. for Brennan to go down. Execution by shooting, hanging, drawn-and-quartered, I do NOT fucking care....but this fucking FLAMING asshole needs to be made an example to the ENTIRE world, and his death needs to be recorded and played (and replayed) for many, MANY years to come as an example of how NOT to act as one of the country's trusted bureaucrats. Seriously, one of the most odious, useless meatsacks of a "human being" to inhabit a government position...ever.
1000% THIS.
Hell I'll frame the pic of him swinging in my living room.