The emails show the world’s top virologists pointing out that C19 was man-made, followed by Fauci and Collins ignoring these scientists, and covering up the reality that C19 was a bioweapon...
Why? Because the NIH created it...
- Clandestine
The NIH was ignoring the actual science, censoring the top virologists and microbiologists on Earth, and gaslighting the world with lies; all to deter the public from arriving at the true conclusion that C19 is a man-made bioweapon, made by the NIH themselves.
This is the ultimate reason Twitter and the Left vehemently censored ANYONE who questioned the bullshit bat-soup origin story of C19.
Because once the public knows it’s man-made, they are gonna ask who made it.
-Enter Biolabs in Ukraine
In (shpyl')Chyna