posted ago by OUTofPATIENCE ago by OUTofPATIENCE +19 / -0

Perspective is everything. Perspective can, and should change based on new information, but what about old information that is viewed in a different light?

I’m going to get eviscerated for this here, and that’s a good thing. Strong emotional objections to an idea indicates that it’s disturbing and challenging for the receiver to incorporate.

I want to point out that trump had the opportunity to do many things with the power of the Executive Office of the President. (EOP)

Trump is given a pass for not protecting children from the vax, when the children are supposedly the reason for this whole movement.

Trump is given a pass for meeting with Kissinger before he left office

Trump is given a pass for not firing fauci.

One can argue that all of these things, (and more) were necessary to let happen so that the people finally wake up. I can see that, and it makes sense. “Never interfere with an enemy while he is busy destroying himself”.

but then why is it so important to vote and stop the left before they can roll out their agenda?

So the cheaters can continue to incriminate themselves. That’s why. But how much proof do we need? When will justice be served, and by who? We know the DOJ is corrupt and compromised, so military is the only way?
The military got the jab…..or did they. We are pinning the success of this operation on the military that might be compromised. This is not a good tactical decision.

In the court of public opinion, the status quo will change, and govt will need to respond to the masses, when the great awakening happens. That will be the precipice, and we aren’t there yet, obviously.

What if the clock runs out on the vax before the NPC Americans reach their precipice? What if people are just fucking stupid and can’t tell that they are slaves?
What if they don’t care, because what they have is good enough for them?

One thing that isn’t insinuated in the q drops is that many normies may not ever wake up, and this is a real possible reality.

The CBDC is the new control mechanism of the elites, and to accept it is to accept subjugation. The vast major it will settle, and accept the CBDC, those who do not accept will be locked out of access to their accumulated wealth, ability to purchase food, fuel, and supplies.

We anons here are spending our energy arguing over things that probably don’t matter, because when the CBDC is rolled out after the FRN value collapses, those who want to be free will be forced out of society.

This is the greatest challenge on the near horizon as I see it.

The globohomos are coming for your freedom. Their goal is total control, or death/exile to those who resist. Whether or not musk is on our side probably doesn’t matter much when your ability to use the currency of this govt and society is dependent on accepting slavery.