I think the Brunson Supreme Court case is going to lead us to that. That case is so simple it’s brilliant. The only thing they need to prove is that the 385 defendants broke their oath of office by voting no on investigating claims of election fraud. Here’s how I think this plays out. Supreme Court rules they did break their oath and in one day, we only have about 100 members of congress left. All the deep state out of office, but no arrests yet. Trump returns with no election, states fill the empty seats with new representatives who are for the people. The military takes over the media to let the people know what is going on and perhaps even has a presence in the street to prevent riots. The EBS could be involved in this time to explain. Then with Trump back and a fresh congress, the real investigations start. Then the floodgates open and the arrests start happening. The Brunson case has really shifted how I expect things to play out.
I think the Brunson Supreme Court case is going to lead us to that. That case is so simple it’s brilliant. The only thing they need to prove is that the 385 defendants broke their oath of office by voting no on investigating claims of election fraud. Here’s how I think this plays out. Supreme Court rules they did break their oath and in one day, we only have about 100 members of congress left. All the deep state out of office, but no arrests yet. Trump returns with no election, states fill the empty seats with new representatives who are for the people. The military takes over the media to let the people know what is going on and perhaps even has a presence in the street to prevent riots. The EBS could be involved in this time to explain. Then with Trump back and a fresh congress, the real investigations start. Then the floodgates open and the arrests start happening. The Brunson case has really shifted how I expect things to play out.