346 Someone connected the dots and judges just confirmed it: Balenciaga is Pizzagate (gab.com) 🤡 DEEP DIVE 🌎 posted 2 years ago by ThomasMaker 2 years ago by ThomasMaker +346 / -0 THEREALDARKJUDGE on Gab: 'Balenciaga Is Pizzagatehttps://lizcrokin.substac…' THEREALDARKJUDGE on Gab: 'Balenciaga Is Pizzagatehttps://lizcrokin.substack.com/p/balenciaga-is-pizzagate?r=17d7ph&utm_medium=ios' 68 comments share 68 comments share save hide report block hide replies
In that picture the sunglasses have a couple of images in them, one is a face of a blonde and the other is harder to make out. If someone has some software to clean the image up? I’m sure 4chan is already on it.