A belief is a belief, none are "harder" or "softer".
Imagine millions of kids being told by their parents that they'll "get fat" if they eat such and such. And the parents learned this from a bunch of well-meaning but badly educated doctors that this is the case.
Now these kids and adults eat their "guilty pleasures", feeling badly, worried, guilty each time they eat such-and-such food or snack that they KNOW "isn't good for them" and that they KNOW "will go to their thighs/arse/gut" etc.
Your body is smart enough to take-in only that which it needs and eliminate the rest. But it loses its way with the energy-signature you ingest the food with -> guilt/worry/fear/concern is a nasty heavy energy and this is what your food is tainted with when these thoughts/feelings are entertained while eating.
A belief is a belief, none are "harder" or "softer".
Imagine millions of kids being told by their parents that they'll "get fat" if they eat such and such. And the parents learned this from a bunch of well-meaning but badly educated doctors that this is the case.
Now these kids and adults eat their "guilty pleasures", feeling badly, worried, guilty each time they eat such-and-such food or snack that they KNOW "isn't good for them" and that they KNOW "will go to their thighs/arse/gut" etc.
Your body is smart enough to take-in only that which it needs and eliminate the rest. But it loses its way with the energy-signature you ingest the food with -> guilt/worry/fear/concern is a nasty heavy energy and this is what your food is tainted with when these thoughts/feelings are entertained while eating.