It was as if he read my mind and heart. I'd been thinking since I discovered Q in December 2017...why?
Why did I discover Q? Why not my husband? Family? Friends? Just a seemingly "random" group of strangers from all points on the globe. Not so random, after all. I believe God chose us anons for specific roles. Autists, logical thinkers, stable genius', healers etc. Don't know why I'm here except sometimes I just "know" things...not psychic, just know things deep in my soul, bones...whatever you might call this feeling. Does anyone else here feel like this?
I was first awakened as a child on November 22, 1963. What a horrific day. When I remember it I still feel the same "punch in the gut" feeling as though it just happened. Later, when I read the "Warren Report" as a child I knew it was total fantasy. That started my journey.
To live during these times is second only to living in the days of Jesus in my mind. I believe with all of my spirit that this time period is transformational.
100% with you. I get reallly frustrated with friends and family because they can’t see it. In a recent text I said “it’s in our faces, how can you guys not see it”? Most conservatives I know are talking about how the people just didn’t like Trump, need someone nicer for 2024 and Q was wrong about everything (note they’ve never even read a post, they just say it reflexively.) I’m like “2024!?, there is no 2024”.
This post by Q had a profound impact on me.
It was as if he read my mind and heart. I'd been thinking since I discovered Q in December 2017...why?
Why did I discover Q? Why not my husband? Family? Friends? Just a seemingly "random" group of strangers from all points on the globe. Not so random, after all. I believe God chose us anons for specific roles. Autists, logical thinkers, stable genius', healers etc. Don't know why I'm here except sometimes I just "know" things...not psychic, just know things deep in my soul, bones...whatever you might call this feeling. Does anyone else here feel like this?
I was first awakened as a child on November 22, 1963. What a horrific day. When I remember it I still feel the same "punch in the gut" feeling as though it just happened. Later, when I read the "Warren Report" as a child I knew it was total fantasy. That started my journey.
To live during these times is second only to living in the days of Jesus in my mind. I believe with all of my spirit that this time period is transformational. Biblical.
Praying for our world and all of you here.
100% with you. I get reallly frustrated with friends and family because they can’t see it. In a recent text I said “it’s in our faces, how can you guys not see it”? Most conservatives I know are talking about how the people just didn’t like Trump, need someone nicer for 2024 and Q was wrong about everything (note they’ve never even read a post, they just say it reflexively.) I’m like “2024!?, there is no 2024”.
He posted this quote?
Got a link or post number?
It's Q Post #4790 (9/29/20) it took me a while to find it!