Hollywood has been making movies and tv show showing Russia as the bad guy for years now. Even though people know tv and movies are fiction it seeps into the subconscious and then when someone claims Russia is the bad guys it is easy to believe.
This was the thing that most disappointed me when I saw all the Ukrainian flags and support.
People were JUST realizing the news lies because of the election and then Covid.
Russia has a very complex history. In the west, we tend to only see the Bolshiveks forward and Hollywood tends to favor period pieces that 'stand out'. But Russia's history goes back to the 9th century. A few other things happened before 1917.
Hollywood has been making movies and tv show showing Russia as the bad guy for years now. Even though people know tv and movies are fiction it seeps into the subconscious and then when someone claims Russia is the bad guys it is easy to believe.
This was the thing that most disappointed me when I saw all the Ukrainian flags and support.
People were JUST realizing the news lies because of the election and then Covid.
The. They turn around and believe them on this.
Russia has a very complex history. In the west, we tend to only see the Bolshiveks forward and Hollywood tends to favor period pieces that 'stand out'. But Russia's history goes back to the 9th century. A few other things happened before 1917.
Also 1917 was heavily infiltrated by khazarians/cabal.
I.e. the same group we're fighting against in the US, today.
Russians already paid a heavy price for the cabal takeover of their country. 20+M dead, 70+ years of communism.