This is just a House-keeping Post. Mostly for New Anons, but for us veteran Anons that need to knock off the crust/rust :) :)
As new Anons come on, please understand they will not have many of your levels of understanding about the Truth. Their Dreamland has been fractured and is in process of collapsing, as my fellow Mod Qanaut discussed in his awesome post, linked here.:
We’re all adults…I hope, and we all know how to behave most of the time. So please be respectful of new Anons. Where they come from, what they’re asking, or appear to be frustrated/upset about, and of course what they may not know. We Anons as we grow in knowledge are supposed to be teachers, to teach everyone Awakening we can. And try to Red Pill those that are still “slumbering”.
Try to accept everyone and be patient as best you can. Try not to shame or bust their chops for their curious or kinda-ignorant type questions, vaxx status, misunderstanding of what Q is, what “Truther” they follow, or even news station they first spout off with. Just try to teach what you know, provide your sauce/links, and understand they must learn to discern like each of you have learned Over Time, please.
That’s it all. Much love and respect. Merry Christmas and as always, Where We Go One We Go All, together.
Doom/Shill/Lame responses will be removed from this post/thread. And goes for all threads/posts, for the hammer-record.
A couple of weeks back, someone posted a lighthearted joke (the pic of Leonardo DiCaprio and the calculator spelling out boobies). The silliest juvenile thing but it gave me a hearty chuckle and I giggled thinking about it throughout the day.
In a way it was odd because it was not something most women of a certain age like myself would normally find funny. I was thinking 'why is this making me laugh so hard?' We discuss what can be frankly depressing topics; but the unexpectedness of the post made me realize that kind of lighthearted flair that has absolutely nothing to do with anything we talk about on a regular basis is important, precisely because people are upset and confused in the midst of seeking answers. I also think it tends to make GAW more welcoming in a weird sort of way. So many have forgotten how to laugh, but there is a lot of truth to the old adage that laughter is the best medicine. I would like to remind people of that.
So when things get tense, bring on the boobies...