posted ago by SocratesKnowsNothin2 ago by SocratesKnowsNothin2 +7 / -1

posts like this present material we need to call out as FAKE AS FUCK "FAF". No way a kid wrote this or if he did it sure as hell wasn't without some REE carefully instructing:

CNN, Facebook, Twitter 1.0, Mitt Romney, Sandy Hoax, Alex Jones and on and on...FAF, FAF, FAF, FAF, FAF, FAF !

as for a "Y", the other night me, the wifey and kids were hanging out and they were repeating what they are learning about vowels. you know, A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. I asked wifey, can Y really sometimes be a vowel? intellectuals can argue all they want that it can sometimes be a consonant and sometimes a vowel, but I'm saying this was the cabal's first effort to introduce trans and every other made up gender by making a Y "fluid". don't be a gender fluid Y and don't let your kids grow up to be a Y! great for talking in code too :)

bonus related little mindteaser. what word in english language has all vowels in order and can even be modified to have a trans Y at the end?