I have been thinking this in a less clear way. Have you ever personally hit your limit on something or someone, and then all of the sudden, you are done with bullshit. From anyone, anywhere, about anything? I think it's going to be like that, collectively. Even thinking about my own views on the federal government over the past years. I used to think so small. From "EPA/IRS and these other federal agencies are too big and have too much power." To "Do we really need a federal government?"
I have been thinking this in a less clear way. Have you ever personally hit your limit on something or someone, and then all of the sudden, you are done with bullshit. From anyone, anywhere, about anything? I think it's going to be like that, collectively. Even thinking about my own views on the federal government over the past years. I used to think so small. From "EPA/IRS and these other federal agencies are too big and have too much power." To "Do we really need a federal government?"