Since that day they rewrote history to include 1000 years, then 300 more, then 15 days were removed, and cabal celebreated 9-11 as Christ's day, not December 25th, but the Sabath is also Saturday instead of SUNday. Romans had 10 month calender, so July was named after Julius Caesar and August named after Augustus Caesar. This nudged the later months along by two and so September became the ninth instead of the seventh month.
Since that day they rewrote history to include 1000 years, then 300 more, then 15 days were removed, and cabal celebreated 9-11 as Christ's day, not December 25th, but the Sabath is also Saturday instead of SUNday. Romans had 10 month calender, so July was named after Julius Caesar and August named after Augustus Caesar. This nudged the later months along by two and so September became the ninth instead of the seventh month.