Few minutes ago, one of our analytical contributors deleted his account. Don't know what happened, but hope he will remember: he, his insights into frequencies and symbols, were a true gift to this community.
Until we meet again!
Few minutes ago, one of our analytical contributors deleted his account. Don't know what happened, but hope he will remember: he, his insights into frequencies and symbols, were a true gift to this community.
Until we meet again!
It ain't just you.
Humanity was created with a purpose. When our predecessors fell in the Garden (however you want to interpret that story), it signified a fall into ignorance. We fell into ignorance about our purpose, and we have been grappling with this ever since.
In stages, the Creator (if you will) has been giving us upgrades and improvements in restoring the knowledge.
Various stages can be identified: Pre-abrahamic (no real understanding of the core of the universe), Abraham to Jesus (monotheism, but relationship with God is master-servant), Jesus to Current (monotheism, but relationship with God is adopted child - adopted parent).
However, while the Jesus to Current Time period is a serious upgrade over the previous stage, it does NOT address many core necessary issues that our God-given intelligence naturally wants to know. Foundational to that is an understanding of Why, How, What for, we are created in a way that harmonizes both our spiritual needs (which is to recover our connection with and unity with God and then each other) with our material needs (a scientifically grounded, logical, reasonable and empirical evidence-backed explanation of the why, the how, etc).
In the heart, we long for reunion with God and with our true selves. And this way was opened by Christ 2000 years ago. But in our minds, we also seek to understand, logically, rationally, why we exist, what for, what purpose? Surely there is more to it than a simple "just have faith".
Faith is a critical and absolutely necessary virtue, but ultimately, individually, and as a race, we need to move from mere faith into knowing. A child believes, an adolescent questions, an adult understand and knows.
Paul verifies this for us: "now we see dimly, as in a mirror; then face to face". When is "the then"?
Logically, we can understand that it is now. Is it a coincidence that biblically, it is approx 2000 (bibical) years from Adam to Abraham, then 2000 years from Abraham until Jesus, and 2000 years from Jesus until Now? Hmmm...
One way to look at the chaos of the 20th and 21st centuries is that we have come to the end of a biblical cycle, and what sustained us for the previous cycle is not now sufficient. We NEED to grasp and understand our purpose on a new, higher level, one that not only lifts our spirit, but one which satisfies the intellect that God created us with in harmony with that.
We're all looking for it. Our original nature will not rest until we find that which satisfies. The only reason that plagues like Schwab can get a toe-hold is that humanity has reached the limits of the previous cycle, and we now need the upgrade. Schwab and company are attempting to insert a fake and false upgrade, taking advantage of the spiritual and intellectual vacuum we began to experience around the 20th century.
If we can recognize the lies, the false nature of that 'vision', we are halfway there. But we need to find the real upgrade, the real meat, the true upgrade God has waiting for us. That upgrade should be able to clarify and reinforce what we know is true so far, but also provide a newer level of understanding.
"Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as also I am known."
Hmmm. Even Jesus himself pointed to this.
"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now."
Although it isn't exactly overt, the scriptures are whispering to us from the past: "Be diligent. be faithful. You will be getting an upgrade in the future. Until then, stay strong.". As I said, it's not overt, but that message is most definitely there.