316 QAnon211: Maxine Waters tried to end the FTX hearing before Rep. @Lancegooden got a chance to question the witnesses, who had to remind her that all the members of a committee are entitled to questions. The panic is delicious 🍿🤣🍿 (media.gab.com) MAD MAXINE posted 2 years ago by undine53 2 years ago by undine53 +316 / -0 Your browser does not support videos. 70 comments share 70 comments share save hide report block hide replies
She has a face ?
I thought that was something sloughed off the ass-end of a swamp creature.
If you look right below the bunghole of a male hippo, that's where they got her face. Hippo scrote
you know that face you make right after puking and the taste hits you...thats maxine waters