posted ago by TheGreatPumpkin ago by TheGreatPumpkin +12 / -0

Did they create common core math so that young adults would not be able to notice the irregularities in the amount of deaths reported by the CDC? I do the math and I find somebody is fudging numbers. Why? Why are they trying to hide birth/death numbers from us? Is there something they don’t want us to pay attention to? Surly the amount of people being born every year decreasing drastically over the past year and the amount of people dying suddenly increasing exponentially over the last year have nothing to do with each other. Do they? Did they make a mistake by teaching me math? Or did they make a mistake by teaching our kids common core math? Was this done on purpose? People cannot be this blind can they? Or is it a gamble. To bet that people just won’t pay attention? You know, because they are too busy trying to figure out how to pay $6 for a dozen eggs? And why are eggs so high? We grow chickens right here locally! Hatcheries out the wazoo! Did chickens stop laying eggs thus lowering the supply all the while the demand stays the same inevitably causing the price to soar to gold standard pricing? Heck let’s just buy chickens and farm eggs. It’s like finding a gold mine! Or is all of this on purpose because the average stooge pays no attention and just goes along with what they are told to do? Me? I’ll just have to buy some chickens and hope I don’t become one of those unreported statistics. You know the ones that β€œdied suddenly!” Forgive me for being such a jack-o-lantern, but I am TheGr8πŸŽƒ!