Interesting. Never heard of this one before. Gonna have to go dig some more. I’m gonna ask my sharp seniors if they take the flu shot on the regular. my dad takes the flu shot regularly for the past ten years maybe more and yes he has been a lot dumber than previous. I thought it was just old age. That’s the thing with these slow kill shots. It’s always “correlation”. Really hard to prove or disprove.
Not to mention, the flu vaxx in elderly is thought to cause dementia.
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Interesting. Never heard of this one before. Gonna have to go dig some more. I’m gonna ask my sharp seniors if they take the flu shot on the regular. my dad takes the flu shot regularly for the past ten years maybe more and yes he has been a lot dumber than previous. I thought it was just old age. That’s the thing with these slow kill shots. It’s always “correlation”. Really hard to prove or disprove.