You are right. It would be essentially impossible to lose track of something like this. For fucks sakes they scan a wrist band constantly to make sure you are getting the right stuff. The amount of paperwork to intake a patient and do surgery would be enough to fill a room. Maybe one of these things get lost. Like one record of a drug dose. Or one eval by a doctor.
But for the entire visit from start to finish vanish? As if it never happened? Even though there’s pictures of the kid in the room?
If that did happen, it would have required direct malfeasance from the very top, and the intentional search and destruction of hundreds of documents. An easily probable crime or at least violation of rights. Can you imagine the lawsuit that would happen? It would be a scandal large enough that the entire hospital could go under.
Who knows. Maybe they did destroy it all because they fucked up so bad they figure the punishment for destroying the records will be less than the punishment for intentionally losing the unvaxxed blood and killing the baby.
Maybe there are records of admins and doctors conspiring to lose the blood as a way to punish the parents for being anti vaxxers or conservative. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the admins are all communists and did this on purpose to teach the parents a lesson, punishment for dating to question their expertise.
The story is baffling.
You are right. It would be essentially impossible to lose track of something like this. For fucks sakes they scan a wrist band constantly to make sure you are getting the right stuff. The amount of paperwork to intake a patient and do surgery would be enough to fill a room. Maybe one of these things get lost. Like one record of a drug dose. Or one eval by a doctor.
But for the entire visit from start to finish vanish? As if it never happened? Even though there’s pictures of the kid in the room?
If that did happen, it would have required direct malfeasance from the very top, and the intentional search and destruction of hundreds of documents. An easily probable crime or at least violation of rights. Can you imagine the lawsuit that would happen? It would be a scandal large enough that the entire hospital could go under.
Who knows. Maybe they did destroy it all because they fucked up so bad they figure the punishment for destroying the records will be less than the punishment for intentionally losing the unvaxxed blood and killing the baby.
Maybe there are records of admins and doctors conspiring to lose the blood as a way to punish the parents for being anti vaxxers or conservative. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the admins are all communists and did this on purpose to teach the parents a lesson, punishment for dating to question their expertise.
This story is gonna get interesting.