I'm flustered right now, so you guys are gonna have to deal with me just giving you the pieces, but this was too good to ignore.
Yoel Roth constantly uses underscores in his communications on Twitter's backend to emphasize things, as shown in the recent Twitter Files drops. Using this, we can even presume he's the person speaking even in some of these drops where the names are orange-barred out. His writing habits sorta give him away.
Some Examples:
Well, what does that prove?
Considering the Yoel Roth Twitter Files content came out on Dec 10th-11th, it proves a lot considering a particular Q post during that same delta time frame in 2017:
Eerie how that lines up, aye? Files using that syntax come out on a Q delta of the same sentence structure.
Now, we also see a reference to owls, as well as Q unusually using underscores to emphasize text (Q usually uses [brackets] to indicate "targets" in speech).
But, where else did we see owls in the Twitter Files drops?
Oh yeah, that's right. Internal Twitter staff call themselves "Owls."
Now does post 328 make a lot more sense? Q was throwing shade at Yoel Roth all the way back in 2017.
Q, in December of 2017, was showing they had access to Twitter's back channels, particularly Yoel Roth, and were monitoring the internal conversations there.
It appears as though Post 328, with the underscores, was really Q mocking them for not being able to figure out how they can see the backend conversations. Patriots really do "have it all."
This post days prior indicates the Roth(s) may have included Yoel Roth and his under-stooges at Twitter (not just the Rothschilds) and other installed in various Social Media rackets such as Facebook(LifeLog).
I believe that Elon Musk's Twitter purchase is a pretense for merely showing files on the Twitter back-end that Trump and Frens have had access to for 4+ years now. Which may indicate that we are finally in the DECLAS phase, where the public can now learn of these events without threatening ongoing operations.
Due to Q's posts, it's evident that these communications have been visible to White Hats for YEARS and I think it's a safe hopium dose to assume the DeepState Cabal still, to this day, have no idea how White Hats can read their back-channels and not get caught doing so.
Tell me what you think.
FISA works both ways