"NOV. 22, 2022
Luke Airmen host military retirees during Retiree Appreciation Day
Airmen from various support agencies at the 56th Fighter Wing joined civilian counterparts to honor retired military members from all service branches during a Retiree Appreciation Day event at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, Nov. 19, 2022. More than 100 retirees and their spouses attended the event...."
Note: I could find no mention of a retirement party on 12-12-22
But, I found this: https://www.luke.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3226129/luke-airmen-host-military-retirees-during-retiree-appreciation-day/
"NOV. 22, 2022 Luke Airmen host military retirees during Retiree Appreciation Day Airmen from various support agencies at the 56th Fighter Wing joined civilian counterparts to honor retired military members from all service branches during a Retiree Appreciation Day event at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, Nov. 19, 2022. More than 100 retirees and their spouses attended the event...."
I found this: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clark-twiss
Is that guy retired?
Thanks for your research, Fren. What about the retiree’s name on the cert?